World War I
After looking at the website (http://www.firstworldwar.com/index.htm) I have came to the conclusion that this is more than likely a legitimate resource for World War I. I used several reasons to come to the conclusion that it was a legitimate source. First, the site lists numerous references to the material that is used on the website. This gives the reader a chance to double check the information if there are questions or doubt on the information that is being presented. Not only is there Government sources but outside sources the reader can look at. Also, the site creator put other suggested readings from other sources if the reader wanted to know or learn more about the World War I. Second, I believe that it is a positive addition that the site shows who the author or creator of this site actually was and gives you an e-mail to contact them regarding any questions or problems you may have. Finally, I think it shows a lot about this site because it is shown that a lot of time and effort was put into creating this site. Not only does it just have information regarding the World War I, it also has multimedia messages or videos, photos, memoires and diaries.
After looking through the site I would seen a couple different things that I liked on this site. First, I liked how the site contained the “Who’s who” section and how it broke it down where you could understand who the people actually were. Second, I enjoyed the section that was on the diaries and memories of different people. This section let you look into what people was experiencing and how they explained things that were going on. Third, I enjoyed the vintage photos of everything for the poison gas, to the war of the seas, to politicians and even some church and cathedral photographs. All though this is not all of the things that could be enjoyed on this site these are just a few of the things that caught my eye.
There were a couple of things on this site that I did not like. First, I did not like the fact that they were trying to sell a DVD. I think that they should not be trying to sell something on a site that they are providing information on. I also believe if they were going to sell a DVD on this site that there should have been more than one. This is not the only DVD that is out that covers World War I. I think they are backing this DVD and should have been unbiased about things being sold about World War I. Second, I felt like the information could be a little time consuming although they had it broken down some. I think the site would have been more effective if there were also sub-categories on the topics. This would keep the reader from having to search through as much information to find what they were interested in. Finally, I feel like the site has researched and obtained a lot accurate data but they put that this is not an academic website. Which, I am sure this is just to cover their work because it says that they see this as accurate information but that it has not underwent a peer review. I think if a person was going to use this as a source for an education related assignment that they would need to also verify the sources.
In conclusion, overall this is a pretty good site. When critiquing someone’s work a person must acknowledge that nothing will ever be perfect!